Friday, 5 July 2013

IVF - The First Injection....

So it has been a little while since my last post, mainly due to having to wait for the start of a new cycle to begin my first round of short protocol IVF (ICSI).  But also because I wanted to keep my mind on other things while I waited. 

Well my new cycle started yesterday, I called both Oxford and Swindon to "book in" and was given the green light to start. 

Tonight was my first injection of Gonal F, which is a stimulant designed to encourage my body to produce lots of nice big follicles containing eggs.  The injection is in the form of a pen injector, so you only have to put a needle on the end of the pre-filled pen and turn the dial to set the dose. You then inject this into your tummy fat, which luckily I have plenty of, before pressing the button down until the dose has gone in and the dial reads zero. You then count to ten before removing the needle.  

It didn't go too badly, a couple of false starts before I got the nerve to inject - feels totally weird to stab yourself with a needle - but I took a deep breath and went for it. The needle didn't hurt and it was ok until I got to about 4 on my count, then it stung like a bee sting.  It still was ok, better than I expected. 

My tummy feels a bit tingly, but I don't know if that is all in my head because I know I have injected.  

I need to do the same injection every evening until told I am ready for egg collection. 

From Monday I will also add morning injections of Cetrotide, which is a drug to stop my body trying to ovulate and release the eggs before we are ready for them. 

I have to go for my first set of blood tests and scans on Wednesday to see how my  follicles are developing and then further scans every other day until I am ready for collection. 

As things are actually happening now I will try to update as I go.

Thank you for all the support everyone has given so far xxxx 

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