Tuesday, 9 July 2013

IVF The First Few Days

As you know I started IVF (ICSI) short protocol on Friday. I have so far had four injections from my Gonal F pen and two from my Cetrotide "real" syringes. 

It hasn't gone too badly so far and I can now inject quite easily without stressing about it beforehand. 

For the Gonal F injections I wasn't icing my tummy beforehand and they were fine, but I had heard the Cetrotide was horrible to inject so I made sure to ice before doing it.  

It was absolutely fine, I had worried for nothing but I have kept up with the icing for all injections now because it simply makes it easier.

I have put together a photo tutorial for injecting Cetrotide for anyone who is going to do short protocol.  Or for those just a little curious :-)  hopefully the photos will display in the correct order!

The side effects haven't been as bad as I expected so far.  It is hard to tell which are as a result of the drugs and which are because of this hot weather.  I have felt hot and bothered, had headaches for the last two days, bloating on my tummy, hit and miss appetite and just generally felt down and emotional.

I am drinking lots and lots of water as this is recommended to avoid hyper stimulation. 

I have my first scan tomorrow so will update you all then.  Hopefully they will find lots of lovely follicles growing! 

Love to all xx 

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