Anyone that has been trying to conceive for some time will understand that at times it can be hard to bear. You will come across challenging times that throw you off track and make it ever more difficult to stay positive. It could be a pregnancy announcement, being around lots of babies or simply the arrival of AF ending the hopes of another cycle.
For me this week brought the latter. I have been to this point so many times in the last 18 months that I have a routine that helps me stay focused.
I allow myself one day.
One day where I can cry, mope, feel sorry for myself and curse my inability to conceive. I listen to sad songs, watch movies, and have a good cry to get it out of my system.
But only the one day! After that I have to pick myself up and gain some perspective because I am lucky in other ways and there are much worse things happening in the world - even if it doesn't feel like it at times.
At points in my journey I have felt myself falling into the traps of depression and the misery of knowing I have put my life on hold with nothing to show for it so far.
It's not a place I want to be, so by only allowing the one day to feel sorry for myself I can then spend the rest of the time living my life and finding happiness in other ways.
The truth is I have a good life, great friends, family and an amazing husband. My life isn't complete but I am lucky.
Good to hear your positivity, I fell into that trap and it wasn't nice at all x