Tuesday, 24 January 2012

The waiting game....

Life is a little strange at the moment, almost like being in limbo. I am currently CD24 and will either have a BFP (big fat positive) or AF (Aunt Flo aka time of the month) by the end of next week. As I am not using ovulation tests on the recommendation of the fertility clinic I do not know for sure. Whilst I do miss the predictability that the tests gave me in terms of when AF was due, I haven't missed the morning dash to pee on a stick or the stress that goes with each result.

Things are good at the moment. I know my appointment is in May, which in a weird way is reassuring because I know if I don't conceive by then treatment will be available.

Because I am putting myself under less pressure I have been able to focus on other things.

I had a very good week on my weight watchers plan, and whilst the scales only showed a 0.5lb loss I successfully beat personal demons to be able to eat vegetables and this was a far more important success! I also have some lovely baggy trousers!

Fingers tightly crossed for the next week xxx

1 comment:

  1. Everything crossed for you honey. And well done on the weight loss so far! x
