Sunday, 15 January 2012

From the beginning...

If you are reading this blog then you are possibly someone who has found themselves in a similar situation to me, or you may just be looking to have a little understanding of my situation. Either way I hope this blog helps you as much as it is helping me.

So where do I start and how did I end up here?

I am 29 years old and since my early teens all I have wanted to do with my life is be a mummy. As a naive teenager I had it all planned out... married by 20 and a whole house full of offspring by my mid 20's. I never set out to be in my late 20's by the time I tried to start my family but c'est la vie.

I married my amazing husband in September 2010 and immediately started trying to conceive our first child.

I, again naively, expected by would be pregnant by that first Christmas and as such I started collecting baby books, magazines and even maternity clothes! I also started to become slightly addicted to peeing on a stick, spending a fortune of every kind of ovulation and pregnancy test you can find! I also consulted an internet "physic" who assured me a pregnancy was imminent! But the BFP (Big Fat Positive) never arrived.

By September 2011 the magazines were in the recycling bin and the books and maternity clothes were relegated to the back of the cupboard because the sight of them was a constant cause for tears, bad moods and essentially depression.

At this point we had been trying for a year so it was time to visit the doctor.

Due to my irregular cycles (ranging from 30 to 57 days) I was sent for a blood test and pelvic scan to rule out any cysts, which thankfully came back clear.

I then had to wait 2 months for an initial appointment with the fertility clinic at my local hospital. I had this appointment on Thursday and now I have to wait until 15 May to see the consultant. (I will post about the tests I have had so far in more detail in a separate post)

So the waiting game begins.....

So why blog?

A good friend I met online many years ago (you know who you are) recommended blogging as a way of coping with my emotion and frustration of my journey as it had helped her.

I don't expect to have many followers, if any, but that is okay because this is all for me. To help me get things off my chest and hopefully one day, when I finally get my BFP I can look back and see how far I have come.

If you are still reading this then thank you, it means a lot that you cared enough to finish my massively rambling first post. Going forward I will try to post as many happy posts as sad and I hope you will stay with me for the journey.

Love Shelly xx

1 comment:

  1. So heartfelt, and as you know I know exactly how you are feeling. May is such a long way away for something like this, I know :-( Maybe try ringing once a week to see if you can get a cancellation sooner, you never know, I had to cancel my last FC appointment because I got my BFP, so they do happen. Lots of hugs, and I will be following you every step of the way x
