Monday, 6 February 2012

Songs To Sum Things Up...

From various forums and blogs I have discovered some beautiful songs so I thought I would share them here. Even if you have no experience of infertility personally it may help you to understand the emotional rollercoaster anyone with fertility issues is on.

My favourite has to be I would die for that by Kellie Coffey. The first time I heard this song was via a fellow TTCer's blog and it made me cry (a lot!), but it is an amazing song that I can really relate to.

"I've been given so much,
A husband that I love.
So why do I feel incomplete?
With every test and checkup
We're told not to give up.
He wonders if it's him.
And I wonder if it's me...."

I also love It's so hard by the Dixie Chicks .

"It felt like a given
Something a woman's born to do
A natural ambition
To see a reflection of me and you

And I'd feel so guilty
If that was a gift I couldn't give
And could you be happy
If life wasn't how we pictured it....."

Finally, A woman's work by Kate Bush. Although not strictly about fertility it is hauntingly beautiful and anyone who has seen the 80's movie She's having a baby will be sobbing along with me. This was the inspiration to my blog title.

"I know you have a little life in you yet.
I know you have a lot of strength left.

I should be crying, but I just can't let it show.
I should be hoping, but I can't stop thinking..."

I find comfort in songs I can relate to and I hope you will too xx

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