Friday, 22 March 2013

IVF Referral

Sorry it has taken a while to post this update. In all honesty it has taken me a while to get my head around.

As some of you are aware, this week saw the unsuccessful end of my final Clomid round.

It wasn't a surprise, I knew hadn't ovulated, but I think it took a couple of days for the ramifications to sink in.

So what does this mean for us now?

I have spoken with the fertility clinic who are now processing my IVF referral letter to Oxford. Apparently, it will take a week for the letter to go through typing (modern age eh?), and then I will have to wait for Oxford to respond with a date - no idea how long that will take. Although, apparently treatment starts quite quickly once you get the consultation. Fingers crossed.

I know I need to stay positive, but my brave face feels like it is falling off and I am struggling to stick it back on.

Thank you for all the kind messages and support you have all given.

I will keep you posted with news, once I have any, but will likely be a little quiet on the TTC front until our referral as I think we need a little time out from trying.

As always, love and baby dust to all my TTC friends xxx

1 comment:

  1. IVF cost is dependent on external factors like the number of cycles of treatment that will be needed, the level of medication, the number of medicines that have to be administered and the rate of success.

    IVF Cost
