Friday, 25 October 2013

IVF Pregnancy - Weeks 14-17

So it's just after 6am and I am wide awake, in a couple of hours we move into our new house and I am too excited (or stressed!) to sleep.  So I though I would reflect on the last few weeks of my pregnancy and post you a long overdue update. 

We are moving into a lovely little 3 bedroom house (well 2, if you don't count the tiny box room that will be the dressing room haha), but the most amazing part is I will get to decorate Emby's nursery! 

I am so excited but can't commit to a theme, I was originally looking at a Dr Seuss theme before I knew she was a girl but now I am undecided.  If I go "girly" I will do something Cath Kidston inspired, but then I worry it will be too grown up and not "fun" enough.... Watch this space! 

This morning I turn 18 weeks pregnant and honestly can't believe how fast it is going!  It is a little scary to think I will be halfway there in just 2 weeks time! 

The sickness has almost completely gone since about 14/15 weeks, I only have odd moments if I smell something strong/bad that makes me feel ill.  I have more energy and not so tired, which is great.  I honestly love every second! 

I had appointments with my consultant and midwife at week 16 - I will be consultant led due to IVF/ICSI so they can keep an eye on the growth of the baby.  I won't have to see anyone again until after Xmas now.  Other than my 20 week scan at the end of the month. 

We have been listening to Emby's heartbeat a lot recently as we have a doppler, it's so reassuring when I have a "worried" day that I can check she is ok. We have also heard her "professionally" at our last two appointments.

As you know we had a private scan to find out Emby was a girl at 16 weeks.  Although it could still change because the scan was early, the lady sounded pretty confident, we shall see if it is confirmed at our 20 week scan before making any big purchases.  We did buy her a couple of tops and a super cute pair of pink converse though!  If it turned out to be a boy at our next scan we would still be over the moon because, with everything we went through to get to this point, we just want a happy and healthy baby to call our own - yes, I am aware this paragraph should have come with a super cliche alert! Haha

Although we haven't made any large gender specific purchases, we did put a deposit down on our travel system.  We went for the Mothercare Xpedior travel system, which at £250 was a bargain!  It is also ideal for us because the buggy seat converts into a pram/carrycot style part rather than having to store two separate attachments (as our house is fairly small).  They also have an interest free plan which allows us to just go in and make little random payments off the cost between now and delivery in March - which is great because we don't have to fork out in one go now for something that won't be used until April.  We went for the apple green colour pack because it was the only colour we both agreed on and would be ok for either gender. 

I am starting to get a "proper" little bump and definitely now showing. To the point that people in shops have asked me how long I have to go - quite reassuring that they aren't now looking at me thinking I got a bit fat!  My bump is harder around the sides with just a tiny bit of my original "jelly belly" left in the middle.  I haven't taken a bump picture this week so will get Rick to take a good one and post it after we have moved. 

I am starting to feel lots of kicks, although still not really regular or strong enough to be felt from outside.  The flutters started about week 15 but the proper kicks only started last week.  They feel much more uncomfortable that I was expecting, not sure why I assumed it would be a lovely gentle contact between me and Emby - the fact it is called "kicking" probably should have warned me haha.  It is amazing to be able to feel her in there and have this special little bond that no one else can feel, like it's a secret between us :) xx

I also have realised I haven't posted about my new niece being born at the start of October! 

Sophie is the most beautiful little baby in the world and I am already totally in love with her!  I am so proud of my little sister for bringing her into the world xx 

It scares me a little that I love her so much already, and she isn't even mine, seriously how in love will I be when my own baby girl arrives?!!  There is already a joke within my family that I won't let anyone visit because I won't want to share the cuddles hehe xx

Rick has been so sweet recently, he kisses my bump and talks to Emby all the time.  He will be such an amazing daddy to our little girl, I just hope her mummy can compare xx

I think that brings us up to date, but will try to post more often once I get this house move done and dusted.

Finally, I want to send some love to some  special friends that haven't had such a positive outcome in their TTC journeys recently.  I am thinking of you all, I know you are facing what seem like impossible times but you are stronger than you know and you will make it though.  "If you keep on believing, the dreams that you wish will come true" xxx

Love to you all xxx 

Gender Testing.... Old Wives Tales & Reveal

Before having our private gender scan I thought it would be fun, although not massively scientific, to have a go at some old wives tales used to determine gender.

I did a little google research to find the different tests you can try and these were the results: 

Baking Soda Test :  
You line the bottom of a cup with baking soda (bicarbonate of soda in the UK) and add some wee to this.  If it stays still it could be a girl, if it fizzes up it means boy!

Chinese Calendar : 
Used for over 700 years, Chinese gender  charts use the lunar calendar to base their prediction and allegedly are 90% accurate. I used this site to calculate:

Cabbage Test :
This test involves the PH level of urine.  You chop and boil a red cabbage for 10 mins, drain the water and set aside to cool.  Once cold you mix equal parts water to wee. If it turns red or pink its a boy, if it is purple it's a girl. 

Wedding Ring Test :
You tie your wedding ring to some string and suspend it over your bump. If it goes side to side it's a boy, if it circles it's a girl. 
RESULT :  ??  
(I held it and got boy, Rick did it and got girl)

Heartbeat Speed : 
This states that heartbeats under 140 are boy and heartbeats over this are girl. 
RESULT : GIRL over 3 samples 150-160

Heartbeat Sound : 
Like a train = boy
Like a galloping horse = girl
RESULT : BOY (I have been told, personally I can't tell the difference)

Morning Sickness :
If you have loads of sickness it's a girl, hardly any it's a boy.

Skull Theory :
Based on the shape of the skull seen on the ultrasound. If it is flatter it's a girl, more rounded or bulbous its a boy.

Nub Theory :
Also known as "the angle of the dangle" - in most ultrasounds you can see a brighter nub shape along by the legs, by using the angle of this in relation to the spine you can guess the gender. If the nub is horizontal or pointing down it's a girl, pointing up at 30 degree angle or more from the spine its a boy. 

So out of 9 experiments 6 said GIRL, 2 said BOY and 1 was undecided. 


Thursday, 3 October 2013

IVF Pregnancy - The End Of The 1st Trimester

Apologies to all my loyal followers for not posting an update since week 9!  This blogger is typing from the naughty step!  

I have really felt the tiredness and a lack of energy in recent weeks, but now that I am in my 2nd Trimester I hope to regain some of my former energy and will attempt to update more often. 

So what has been happening since week 9?

We officially booked in with our midwife, got ourselves a nice bounty pack (been waiting 3 yrs for one of those hehe) and settled in with the pregnancy symptoms. 

My nausea is almost completely gone, although I still have the odd run to the bathroom moment, at least the constant sick feeling has gone. Not that I complained once about the sickness, I just felt so lucky to even be in that position in the first place. 

We purchased our cot! Very early I know, but the one I had my eye on for ages was in the sale and I couldn't resist! It is a beautiful Mamas & Papas white sleigh style cotbed reduced from £499 to £225 - bargain!  We won't spend a huge amount on the rest of the nursery as I am a massive fan of upcycling and crafting, so will be buying second hand pine furniture and painting it up to match our yet undecided theme.

We also had our 12 week scan, which was completely amazing!  The only bad-ish part was having to hold the full bladder for an extra hour because my midwife had forgotten to discuss downs screening with us and they couldn't proceed until I had spoken to one of their midwives.  It was ok in the end though, I didn't pee on anyone and got to see Emby again.  Although my ultra full bladder did make some of the pictures a bit unclear. Everything was looking good and I was actually measuring 3 days ahead of my dates, although they have stuck with my official dates because they know they are accurate due to the IVF.

I have been spending loads of time with my little sister who is now almost 39 weeks pregnant with my niece.  It's so nice we are doing this together, although she is a good six months ahead of me.  Our babies will be in the same year at school and really close in age, which will be so amazing as they grow up together xx

Officially our next scan is at the end of November, which is when we can find out the gender.  I will be almost 21 weeks then, but we are quite tempted to have a private scan to find out early (you can have this from 16 weeks onwards). 

We are going to be consultant led initially due to the IVF so we have an appointment for this towards the end of October.  I think this is just to see whether we are high risk and need extra care etc. 

I will also have various midwife appointments and have to go for a flu jab in the next couple of weeks.

Everything is going so fast - I can't believe I am already 13 weeks and got our BFP almost 10 weeks ago! 

I will keep you posted, but as always, baby dust to my TTC sisters and love to all for following my journey xxxx