Monday, 28 January 2013

The price of ovulation...

Today is CD17 and I am hoping to ovulate any day now..... the only problem is I ran out of ovulation tests - eek!

I normally bulk buy the test strip ones from Amazon as they are cheaper than branded ones (plus any pee-on-a-stick-addict knows how expensive it can quickly become). I used my last one this morning and thought I had a spare pack but they turned out to be HPT ones..... Queue mad dash to Sainsburys this evening by my gorgeous hubby to restock.

An astronomical £19 later.... I am now the proud owner of 7 clearblue digital OPK tests (the only ones they had). All I can say is I better be seeing a smiley face on that test tomorrow for that price! :-D

I will keep you posted.....

Baby dust to all xxxx


  1. Wishing you luck for this month.

    Have you tried temping? I used ovulation sticks but then started temping and the first month we fell pregnant.

    K x

  2. I have tried it in the past but the clomid makes my temp crazy with the hot flushes, so I can't get consistent readings :-( xx
