Monday, 28 January 2013

The price of ovulation...

Today is CD17 and I am hoping to ovulate any day now..... the only problem is I ran out of ovulation tests - eek!

I normally bulk buy the test strip ones from Amazon as they are cheaper than branded ones (plus any pee-on-a-stick-addict knows how expensive it can quickly become). I used my last one this morning and thought I had a spare pack but they turned out to be HPT ones..... Queue mad dash to Sainsburys this evening by my gorgeous hubby to restock.

An astronomical £19 later.... I am now the proud owner of 7 clearblue digital OPK tests (the only ones they had). All I can say is I better be seeing a smiley face on that test tomorrow for that price! :-D

I will keep you posted.....

Baby dust to all xxxx

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Happy 1st Birthday Blog!

My blog has been going for a whole year yay!

When I started posting it was intended as a form of therapy, allowing me an outlet for how I was feeling about our fertility issues. I honestly never thought so many people would read it and support me. In the past year my blog has received over 3,200 page views - wow! So thank you to everyone who has followed me so far :-)

So where am I now?

Unfortunately, round 4 was a failure and I am currently taking the pills for round 5. It wasn't as hard to take the failure this cycle, as I didn't feel like I had ovulated (plus no positive OPK).

Fingers crossed for this cycle xxx

I only have one more shot after this cycle, otherwise it will be IVF for us. I have mixed feelings on this, one part of me feels it could work for us, the other is terrified of the treatment itself.

I hope Clomid works and it doesn't get that far but with four failed cycles behind me already I am preparing myself for the possibility of it.

I will keep you posted!

Once again, thank you to everyone who has supported me over my year of blogging (and my close to 2.5 years of TTC), I couldn't have gotten this far without you xx

Baby dust to all xxx