After some issues with my last cycle, today I finally had my HSG examination. This is where a dye is injected through your cervix then your womb and fallopian tubes have an xray to check for problems.
This test sounds simple enough, right?
The leaflet I received told me to take painkillers before my appointment as the test can be "uncomfortable" and I can expect some cramping afterwards.
The leaflet was clearly written by someone under the influence of an epidural because it hurt like hell! Either that or it was written by man who did not possess a cervix and who's only experience of pain was a papercut!
I almost passed out and felt like I was going to throw up!
I had been told that everyone has different experiences with this test. It's not just about pain threshold, if you have ever been pregnant or had a coil fitted you would like feel less pain. (either that or I am simply a wuss!)
I don't want to freak out anyone who is waiting to have this test, because you honestly may have a completely different experience. Equally, I do not want to say "HSG? Just a tickle" because then when you have the test you will think I am a big fat liar! Lol
In fairness, while it was painful it was very, very quick and the cramping afterwards was no worse than period pain (and subsided after an hour or so).
The results....
They had encountered some "resistance" to the dye suggesting there was partial blockage. But the dye did eventually push through and the good news is my tubes are no longer blocked. The doctor advised some people can fall pregnant after having the test as the dye clears the tubes - fingers crossed! I am very lucky there wasn't any scar tissue or anything to cause a bigger blockage :-)
Now another waiting game.... We are getting good at this! I have to wait 2 weeks for the results to be "signed off" and put on the system for the fertility dept to review (why the depts can't just talk to each other is beyond me!).
Once they have done this we should hopefully get the green light for clomid! Yay!
I know I am constantly promising to be a better blogger, but the recent waiting game hasn't left much to tell you all. Now things are moving on I will try to update more often!
Glad it went ok apart from the pain, and that your tubes are clear! Fingers crossed it either helps or you can get clomid very soon! x