I apologise for the delay in posting an update, it has taken me until now to face writing one.
We met with our consultant last week to discuss our test results and next steps. Having spent most of the last year believing the issues were solely with me, I was shocked to be told there were issues with both of us and that we would be looking at assisted conception - IVF!
I don't even know how I held it together in that appointment but I promptly burst into tears the minute I left. It just wasn't at all what I had anticipated, I thought I would be leaving with a prescription for clomid.
To be able to refer us for IVF they need to retake the last test to double check the result. If it is the same we will then talk to the fertility nurse we saw in January for our case to be put forward for funding approval.
So we are a little in limbo right now, we don't know the current waiting list for IVF so have to wait to talk to the nurse to find out.
It wasn't the worst, we could have been told there was no hope, but it could have been better.
Will keep you posted! Xx
I will be thinking of you every step of the way, you WILL get there, keep fighting x