Sunday, 30 March 2014

IVF Pregnancy - 38 Week Update

So much has happened since my last post, but I honestly don't know where the time is going!  I thought I better get more frequent with my updates now in case we have an early arrival! 

We saw the consultant on 14 March (36w)  and whilst I had anticipated issues in that I may have needed an iron transfusion if my levels had not risen, that turned out to be fine and we instead encountered completely different issues. 

We had our growth scan before seeing the consultant as normal, the growth rate of the baby's tummy had dropped but the lady who scanned us wasn't concerned as her tummy had previously measured 97 percentile and, even with the drop, was well above normal.  When we got to the consultant appt it was a different story, suddenly our consultant and two midwives were discussing our action plan like we weren't even in the room and throwing around words such as induction - hence we both went very pale.  The consultant wasn't happy with the drop so wanted to rescan us and book us in for monitoring twice in the following week before making a decision on induction.  When we were rescanned the growth was better (a matter of mm can make a massive difference in these things) but she wanted us to still be monitored.  After discussing it with the midwife I decided to also stop work that day, even though I wasn't meant to go on maternity leave for another week and a half, because it wasn't worth the risk and we needed to focus on the baby.  This was on the Friday.

Fast forward to the Monday (36w3d) we attended for our first "monitoring", which then turned out to be just another scan. The same consultant from Friday scanned us again and decided there was probably operator differences causing the issue on the Friday (even though she had rescanned me herself) and that she was no longer too concerned. She wanted to book to see us at 38w (just under 2w time) and didn't want monitoring.  The senior midwife reminded her we were IVF/ICSI and the risk wasn't worth it, so she requested we book for monitoring the next Monday (37w3d) and a consultant appt for due date (40w) instead.  I was quite upset because she had completely panicked us on the Friday and now appeared quite complacent about any issues, the midwife was lovely and reassuring and told us they can only work with the data from that exact point - so we shouldn't worry if it was looking better than the Friday. 

We attended for our second "monitoring" the following Monday (37w3d) and actually sat with the strap on monitor on for half hour, which showed Emby's movements and heart rate as good.  We then had another scan with the consultant, the growth was still looking ok but she now decided she wanted to see us earlier than 40 weeks because she was likely going to want to induce us without going too far overdue - something she would struggle to get booked in if we didn't see her until due date.  She therefore booked us for more monitoring the following Monday (38w3d) and moved our consultant appt from 40w to 39w (so she could book induction for around due date if required). 

So tomorrow we go again for monitoring and hope the story doesn't change again - you may be confused keeping up with the above, but that is nothing compared to the confusion and fear you go through encountering it.  After everything we have been through this last part is very scary as we are so close now. 

If the monitoring goes well tomorrow we should see the consultant on Friday and hopefully be given an induction date (in case she doesn't arrive naturally in the meantime) - pending the consultant doesn't change her mind again, in which case I will likely kick her arse! 

I would prefer to go into labour when she is good and ready, plus I heard labour can be longer and harder from induction.  But the most important thing is that Emby is growing and safe, I just don't want any risks taken and if it is safer for her to be out, then I want her out.  

I have been relaxing the last week or so and I feel like she is very low down the last couple of days, so hopefully she is working towards her own action plan.  I am using a birth ball but other than that I have avoided any old wives tales or labour inducers because I don't want to interfere with her progress. 

It is Mothers Day today, the first one ever I am actively celebrating.  Although she isn't here yet I feel like a mother already and, after crying for this day the last three years, it feels amazing to celebrate my little miracle.  Rick did very well in his father to be duties and gave me a beautiful card from "bump" and some lovely Yankee candle stuff - he is totally a keeper! 

I feel really blessed and can't believe that in less than 2 weeks our beautiful girl will be in our arms!  Dreams really do come true! 

I am very aware how hard today will be for my TTC sisters still waiting for their BFP, and those who gained angel babies this year.  My love and support is with you always xxx 

Monday, 10 March 2014

IVF Pregnancy - 35 Week Update

Hey everyone, I decided I am going to stop beating myself up about not posting every week.  Time is absolutely flying by and I am running to keep up.

I am now 35w3d pregnant and our miracle girl is due one month tomorrow!  I can't wait! 

Since my last update a month ago, we have been busy bees! 

I had my consultant visit on valentines day, at which point I was 32 weeks pregnant.  Everything was ok, although Emby was still measuring a week ahead and apparently has a chubby belly as her tummy measurements were the top end of normal (especially compared to the other measurements).  

They still have concerns about my iron levels, which have risen from 8.5 to 9.4 in the month since my iron dose was increased, but this is still below the 10.5 minimum it should be.   I had another blood test last week and we will review the figures at my next consultant appointment on Friday to see if an iron infusion is needed.

I also need to discuss my birth plan as my midwife thought it was unlikely I would be allowed to go to the birth centre if my iron stays low (what with also being consultant led).  I am not too concerned about going to the delivery suite, I just want her here safely, but it would be reassuring to know in advance where I will need to go. 

My bump is still expanding.... Seriously! How is she even fitting in there? Lol.  I have also started to earn my stripes, but she is worth every one. 

My sister threw me the most amazing baby shower last month.  It was so perfect to see all my friends and family and a little overwhelming.  We played lots of games and quizzes and Emby was completely spoilt.  I am so lucky to have such an amazing support system around me. 

I have started washing all the baby clothes and packed my hospital bag, so everything is feeling very real right now.  I so can't wait to meet her, but I will really miss being pregnant!  Especially as this is likely my only chance to experience it, so it makes me a little sad that it is going so fast. 

I will post again after our consultant appointment. 

Love to everyone xxxx