Friday, 4 July 2014

IVF - One Year Later...

Today marks the one year anniversary of my first IVF injection. 

What a year it has been! 

My three month old daughter is sleeping next to me and it still seems absolutely surreal that she is mine.   

Being a mum is just beyond words: amazing, challenging, life changing, emotional - nothing quite covers it.  It is simply the best thing I ever did.

Emby is now an 11 lb 8oz bundle of beautiful.  

She has a little personality of her own.  

She loves mama and daddy and always gives us the biggest smiles. 

She loves to giggle when you play with her.

She can go from full blown crying to the biggest mega watt smile in literally seconds.

She loves toys, but mainly her crinkly Lamaze dolly her Nainey gave to her. 

She hated her swing and bouncer for the first two months but will now tolerate them both. 

She has rolled from tummy to back twice, but is so close to getting it nailed. She wiggles side to side but just needs a little momentum.  

She has excellent head control and I don't think it will be that long before she sits up because she is quite independent and always wants to be looking around. 

She loves people watching and TV! 

She has been swimming 4 times and once she settles in the water she loves it.

She loves baths.... But not getting out and dressed. 

She has had her first visits to the beach and the park. 

She is starting to teethe and is a little dribble monster at the moment. 

She is a monkey to feed, takes ages and doesn't always finish a feed.

She is wearing 0-3 clothes but has worn a couple of 3-6 outfits this week - although they are quite big on her.

She is starting to sleep well at night *frantically touches wood*.

Mama will be very sad to leave her to return to work next month :(  

I am gutted I can't stay home with her but I will make the most of every second I am with her. 

She is my whole world.  I knew she would be, but still, it sometimes shocks me just how much I love her. 

If I could go back to that first scary injection last year, I would give myself a big hug and just tell myself......

"It's going to be so worth it" 

... Because it was! 


As always, congratulations to my TTC sisters who have recently had their miracle babies or BFPs.  Baby dust and love to those still waiting - stay strong lovelies xxxx 

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

The Day I Became A Mother......

So, my dear friends, long time... no update!  As you can probably gather, I am now in the mummy club!  My beautiful daughter, Emby Jo Hacker, was born at 1.37am on Saturday 5th April 2014.

It has taken me over 7 weeks to be able to compile this update for a number of reasons.  Firstly a mother to a newborn literally does not even have time to pee alone, let alone post a thrilling blog update.  Secondly, it has actually taken me quite a while to get my head around everything that happened during my labour and delivery and be able to write this update.

This post is not for the fainthearted.  I have always been completely honest about my journey and all the procedures I endured, and therefore need to do my blog justice by being completely honest about my labour.

My last blog update was at 38 weeks pregnant so I will pick up where that left off.  On the Monday following my update I was 38w3d pregnant and went back to the assessment unit at the hospital for monitoring, during this appointment my consultant confirmed everything was still looking ok and Emby was still measuring big, she therefore decided to book my induction date for my due date to ensure I wouldn't be allowed to go overdue.

I continued to rest for the next few days, by the Thursday (3rd April - 38w6d) I felt really tired and just chilled on the sofa watching TV for most of the day.  I wasn't in any pain or discomfort, but at 16.45pm I had some cramping and strange pain.  My husband came home from work shortly after this, by which point I then had the pains again.  I started to think this might be it, but wasn't sure as the pain wasn't very intense.  I called my sister, Jo, who was to be my second birth partner, and decided to have a bath to see if anything else happened.  I had around 10 periods of this "pain" before deciding to go to bed and get some sleep as there didn't seem to be anything regular happening, this was around 10.30pm.  By midnight the pains were now waking me up, but because I was in bed and not really awake and alert, I decided to get up and go downstairs to sit on my birth ball and time them.  By 2.15am it was quite apparent I was in fact in labour so I called the labour ward to advise them, I then woke my husband and telephoned Jo for her to come over.

After a few hours of contractions they were coming every 5/6 minutes and lasting around 40-50 seconds so I decided to go in to the hospital to get checked before 6am.  On arrival at the labour ward I was 2-3 cm dilated and they monitored Emby's heartbeat and my contractions for about half an hour.  As I wasn't far enough along I was advised to return home until the contractions were closer together or stronger, or I couldn't cope with the pain anymore.

I returned home and continued to contract while sitting on my birth ball, but they were so strong so we returned to the hospital around 10am.  At this point I saw a different midwife, who told me I was in fact only 1-2cm dilated and not the 2-3cm I had been told earlier, which was very deflating.  She offered to perform a stretch and sweep to speed things along.  I agreed to this, not realising at the time that it would be the most painful part of my entire labour!  After the sweep was performed I was sent home again around 12.30pm.

The most astonishing thing I found about the contractions was, although they hurt like hell while happening, the second they were over the pain completely disappeared and I could carry on a conversation straight away.

I managed to last until about 4pm before having to go back to the hospital again.  The contractions were coming faster but were now so strong they were making me cry - not helped by the fact I had now been contracting for almost 24 hours and was exhausted.  Luckily this time I was found to be 4-5cm and could therefore be admitted to delivery ward.

The first thing I asked for once in my delivery room was an epidural!  This was the only thing from my birth plan I was sure about, I had been open minded about everything else (other than not wanting drugs that made me drowsy or sick).  The midwife advised me to stay active as long as possible to enable gravity to help, and suggested we go to the cafeteria for something to eat as I needed to keep my energy up.   We tried to do this, Jo and Rick queued for some food while I sat at a table, but I had two really painful contractions while sat there and wanted to go back to the room.  I would have loved to see footage of me contracting in the cafeteria because I didn't want anyone to see and was trying to keep a straight face.

My epidural was ordered, but it took hours for this to be performed.  At the time it didn't seem very long, in fact the whole labour just seemed so super fast even though it was hours.  I think we had gone back to the room about 6.30pm but the epidural wasn't done until at least three hours later.  In the meantime I had to dress in a very fetching hospital gown and sexy green surgical stockings!  I was also encouraged to try the gas and air - which I had been very reluctant to do as I didn't want to be not aware of what was going on.  The first couple of tries I hated it, but by the end of the evening it had to be pried out of my hand (new best friend!).

I am hazy on the exact timing but my waters were broken around the time of my epidural - although I can't remember which was done first.   I was so proud of myself that I was able to sit so still for the epidural, but I did use the gas and air the whole time - that stuff is amazing!  Unfortunately the epidural did not work for me, I was numb across my belly and down my legs but it did not touch the pain - I later found out this was because the position of the baby was face up and it meant back labour was much more painful.

After my waters had been broken (when I was around 6cm) Rick happened to bump into our consultant in the corridor and she came in to check how I was doing.  She examined me but I was not 6cm, whether this was from another case of mis-measurement or because my cervix had shrunk back after my waters had broken I am not sure, but she wasn't happy with the progress I was making.  After discussing it with my midwife, she decided she wanted me checked again at 11.30pm and if I hadn't progressed further she wanted to perform a C-Section.  At 11.30pm I was checked and had not progressed so I consented to the C-Section and was prepped ready to go to theatre around 1am (Saturday morning).

I was nervous of the C-Section but not unhappy about the decision - as I had always said from day one that I just wanted Emby here safely.  The saddest part of the C-Section was that my sister could not see Emby be born, particularly as she had been my rock and by my side since 3am the day before (Friday morning).

By the time I was taken to theatre and prepped for surgery the contractions were literally on top of each other with barely 20 seconds in between.  In the meantime, Rick and Jo took the opportunity to have a fun photoshoot with Rick posing in his scrubs pretending to be a doctor!  Wish I could have seen that!

I was given lots of drugs into my hand and remember I kept telling them I felt really sick, they eventually gave me anti-sickness drugs.  Once they started I could just feel lots of pressure and like my tummy was being pulled about a lot.  It didn't take very long and then I could feel her pulled out of me.  I literally said to Rick "ooohhhh" when I felt that pressure release and then immediately started throwing up into the conveniently placed cardboard bowl..... not my finest moment!   I wasn't even able to look at Emby as I was so violently sick and I heard a lot of murmurs from the doctors about losing so much  blood and they couldn't find the bleed, they were also struggling to sew me up because the sickness was making me move too much.   Rick went to stand with Emby and check she was ok, they eventually went back to the room while I stayed to be sewn up.  I can't even imagine how scary it must have been for Rick to see me like that, and hear the doctors struggling to do what they needed to do.  Apparently he paced around until they brought me back.

They eventually stopped the sickness and managed to get me sewn up and took me back to the room.

I could then finally meet my daughter.  After over three and a half years of trying to become a mother, nothing could have prepared me for that moment.  All I could think was how tiny she was (so much for that BIG baby the doctors kept telling me I was having - she only weighed 8lb) and she was so beautiful.  I immediately saw how much she looked like her daddy and I instantly fell in love with her.

The trauma that was my delivery unfortunately did not end there, I had increased temperature and had to be put on antibiotics following her birth for infection.  I also had to have a 2 bag blood transfusion the following day.  Emby also had a raised temperature so she had to have a cannula put into her hand for IV antibiotics, which meant we could not be discharged until the Wednesday.  She also had to have a lumber puncture when she was only 2 days old to check she didn't have a serious infection, which luckily was ok, but very distressing to have to go through.

I hadn't envisioned how hard it would be to move about after the C-Section.  I remember telling the midwife I wanted to get out of bed and have a shower, and they wouldn't take my catheter out until it had been 12 hours.  I remember being annoyed because I could move my legs and didn't understand why I had to wait.  When they eventually allowed me out of bed I understood.... it wasn't because I needed to feel my legs... it was because I no longer had stomach muscles and getting out of bed was ridiculously hard!  It did take a good week before I could get in and out of bed easily, but once out of bed I was actually very active - I even made stew my first full day home!

While I had always been flexible about my birth plan, and just wanted her here safely, I hadn't imagined the scale of what could go wrong and how scary it could get.  That being said, I absolutely loved being in labour and even though the contractions were really painful I would absolutely do that part over again - the C-Section,  not so much!

Although I initially felt ok about the birth, because I was so ecstatic to finally be a mummy, after a couple of days I did have some bad feelings creep in because I hadn't been able to progress far enough to push her out myself.  That was also coupled with regret that I hadn't been able to breastfeed her properly (other than briefly the first day) because I wasn't producing anything at all.  The midwives told me that it was common for this to happen because I had the C-Section combined with an infection and a blood transfusion, which made me feel less guilty.  I didn't get any milk until six days later so I then felt happy about my decision to move to formula feeding as she would have been starving, plus she gained weight really well on formula.

I absolutely love being a mother, even at the hardest, most sleep deprived moments it is still the best thing I ever did.   I feel so blessed to finally have achieved my dream and hope that all my TTC sisters get to experience this soon, because I can honestly say it was worth every single injection, procedure and drug I had to endure to make it happen.

I will post again detailing my first few weeks of motherhood soon - mainly because it has taken me most of the day to write the above novel in between feeding and entertaining Emby!

Thank you to all my followers for supporting me every step of the way - I couldn't have done it without you!

love Shelly xx

Sunday, 30 March 2014

IVF Pregnancy - 38 Week Update

So much has happened since my last post, but I honestly don't know where the time is going!  I thought I better get more frequent with my updates now in case we have an early arrival! 

We saw the consultant on 14 March (36w)  and whilst I had anticipated issues in that I may have needed an iron transfusion if my levels had not risen, that turned out to be fine and we instead encountered completely different issues. 

We had our growth scan before seeing the consultant as normal, the growth rate of the baby's tummy had dropped but the lady who scanned us wasn't concerned as her tummy had previously measured 97 percentile and, even with the drop, was well above normal.  When we got to the consultant appt it was a different story, suddenly our consultant and two midwives were discussing our action plan like we weren't even in the room and throwing around words such as induction - hence we both went very pale.  The consultant wasn't happy with the drop so wanted to rescan us and book us in for monitoring twice in the following week before making a decision on induction.  When we were rescanned the growth was better (a matter of mm can make a massive difference in these things) but she wanted us to still be monitored.  After discussing it with the midwife I decided to also stop work that day, even though I wasn't meant to go on maternity leave for another week and a half, because it wasn't worth the risk and we needed to focus on the baby.  This was on the Friday.

Fast forward to the Monday (36w3d) we attended for our first "monitoring", which then turned out to be just another scan. The same consultant from Friday scanned us again and decided there was probably operator differences causing the issue on the Friday (even though she had rescanned me herself) and that she was no longer too concerned. She wanted to book to see us at 38w (just under 2w time) and didn't want monitoring.  The senior midwife reminded her we were IVF/ICSI and the risk wasn't worth it, so she requested we book for monitoring the next Monday (37w3d) and a consultant appt for due date (40w) instead.  I was quite upset because she had completely panicked us on the Friday and now appeared quite complacent about any issues, the midwife was lovely and reassuring and told us they can only work with the data from that exact point - so we shouldn't worry if it was looking better than the Friday. 

We attended for our second "monitoring" the following Monday (37w3d) and actually sat with the strap on monitor on for half hour, which showed Emby's movements and heart rate as good.  We then had another scan with the consultant, the growth was still looking ok but she now decided she wanted to see us earlier than 40 weeks because she was likely going to want to induce us without going too far overdue - something she would struggle to get booked in if we didn't see her until due date.  She therefore booked us for more monitoring the following Monday (38w3d) and moved our consultant appt from 40w to 39w (so she could book induction for around due date if required). 

So tomorrow we go again for monitoring and hope the story doesn't change again - you may be confused keeping up with the above, but that is nothing compared to the confusion and fear you go through encountering it.  After everything we have been through this last part is very scary as we are so close now. 

If the monitoring goes well tomorrow we should see the consultant on Friday and hopefully be given an induction date (in case she doesn't arrive naturally in the meantime) - pending the consultant doesn't change her mind again, in which case I will likely kick her arse! 

I would prefer to go into labour when she is good and ready, plus I heard labour can be longer and harder from induction.  But the most important thing is that Emby is growing and safe, I just don't want any risks taken and if it is safer for her to be out, then I want her out.  

I have been relaxing the last week or so and I feel like she is very low down the last couple of days, so hopefully she is working towards her own action plan.  I am using a birth ball but other than that I have avoided any old wives tales or labour inducers because I don't want to interfere with her progress. 

It is Mothers Day today, the first one ever I am actively celebrating.  Although she isn't here yet I feel like a mother already and, after crying for this day the last three years, it feels amazing to celebrate my little miracle.  Rick did very well in his father to be duties and gave me a beautiful card from "bump" and some lovely Yankee candle stuff - he is totally a keeper! 

I feel really blessed and can't believe that in less than 2 weeks our beautiful girl will be in our arms!  Dreams really do come true! 

I am very aware how hard today will be for my TTC sisters still waiting for their BFP, and those who gained angel babies this year.  My love and support is with you always xxx 

Monday, 10 March 2014

IVF Pregnancy - 35 Week Update

Hey everyone, I decided I am going to stop beating myself up about not posting every week.  Time is absolutely flying by and I am running to keep up.

I am now 35w3d pregnant and our miracle girl is due one month tomorrow!  I can't wait! 

Since my last update a month ago, we have been busy bees! 

I had my consultant visit on valentines day, at which point I was 32 weeks pregnant.  Everything was ok, although Emby was still measuring a week ahead and apparently has a chubby belly as her tummy measurements were the top end of normal (especially compared to the other measurements).  

They still have concerns about my iron levels, which have risen from 8.5 to 9.4 in the month since my iron dose was increased, but this is still below the 10.5 minimum it should be.   I had another blood test last week and we will review the figures at my next consultant appointment on Friday to see if an iron infusion is needed.

I also need to discuss my birth plan as my midwife thought it was unlikely I would be allowed to go to the birth centre if my iron stays low (what with also being consultant led).  I am not too concerned about going to the delivery suite, I just want her here safely, but it would be reassuring to know in advance where I will need to go. 

My bump is still expanding.... Seriously! How is she even fitting in there? Lol.  I have also started to earn my stripes, but she is worth every one. 

My sister threw me the most amazing baby shower last month.  It was so perfect to see all my friends and family and a little overwhelming.  We played lots of games and quizzes and Emby was completely spoilt.  I am so lucky to have such an amazing support system around me. 

I have started washing all the baby clothes and packed my hospital bag, so everything is feeling very real right now.  I so can't wait to meet her, but I will really miss being pregnant!  Especially as this is likely my only chance to experience it, so it makes me a little sad that it is going so fast. 

I will post again after our consultant appointment. 

Love to everyone xxxx 

Friday, 7 February 2014

IVF Pregnancy - 31 Week Update

I have been a naughty blogger recently and not given you a pregnancy update since just after Xmas - but seriously, where has the time gone?! 

I am now 31 weeks pregnant and can't believe I only have 9 more weeks until my due date!  

Everything is going well, other than a little issue with anaemia (which is being resolved with a triple dose of iron each day) I am feeling pretty good.  My bump is extremely tight because she is getting so much bigger but luckily no stretch marks yet.... *touches wood* - I am not sure whether the twice daily splurge of bio oil is helping or whether I will just wake up one day with loads of them - but I don't really mind if they do appear because I am earning my stripes :) 

I am having a lot of braxton hicks, which are not painful but sometimes appear at the most awkward moments - like when you are rushing for the bus!  But they are reassuring that my body is getting itself ready and we are that much closer to meeting our miracle girl. 

We are still consultant led and everything was looking good at our scan and appointment at 28w. We are due to go in again next Friday (32w) for another check.  She is measuring slightly big but they don't seem too concerned about that. 

The nursery is pretty much finished other than a few sewing projects and as soon as we get a nice sunny day (wishful thinking?) I will take some photos and post a nursery tour. 

We found a beautiful dress from Next to use for her "coming home" outfit.  I haven't collected it from the shop yet so the photo below is just from their website. I have a cute cream cardigan and bunny tights to go with it - she is going to look so beautiful!  Well she would anyway, even without the dress, but this is something we can keep in her memory box after she outgrows it. 

I know we have all the essentials, at least for the first few weeks, but I can't help but get a little overwhelmed when I go down the baby aisles in the supermarket. After waiting so many years for this moment, everything seems to be running at super speed and I panic I won't be ready.  Normal momma to be nerves I am sure. 

I have sorted out my maternity leave with work and finish on Tuesday 25 March - six weeks on Tuesday!  Hopefully I will make it that far and get to spend some time chilling before she arrives.  I will be 37w4d when I leave work so hopefully I have left enough of a buffer before my due date, but I will technically be at full term so we shall see! 

It is getting harder to go to work, by the end of the week I am exhausted.  But I really want to spend more time off with her after she is born and don't want to waste my time off waiting, so I am determined to stick it out until 25 March unless I am medically advised otherwise. 

Rick is so excited to meet her, he talks and sings to her everyday so I hope she will recognise his voice when she is here.  

I will try to post more often, time is going so fast I often forget. 

A few of my TTC sisters have had BFP recently, sending love and wishing them all healthy and happy pregnancies. 

A few have not been so lucky so, as always, sending support, hugs baby dust and love to you all xxxxx 

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Happy 2nd Blog Birthday!

Today is two years since I started this blog to document my journey through infertility.

So two years on and over 10,000 page views later I am still going strong! 

I am so overwhelmed by the response my blog has received, the number of friends I have met through it and social networking, and the unforgettable support I receive on a daily basis. 

I have also had the opportunity to help so many others struggling with more private journeys. 

Thank you to everyone who has ever taken the time to read, comment or pass on my blog details.

Love and baby dust to you all! 


P.S.  I have my consultant scan and appointment on Friday so will return with a pregnancy update after that xx