Wednesday, 26 September 2012

The TWW....

AKA the Two Week Wait.

I had some very strong positive results from my OPK testing, so I believe I may have ovulated on Friday or Saturday. I had some particularly strong cramping on Friday so I am feeling very optimistic about this first Clomid cycle.

I am now a few days in to the TWW and need to wait until next weekend to see if whether AF arrives or if I have finally conquered that elusive BFP!

I am also enjoying a week off work with my gorgeous hubby, which is taking my mind off things. We have been keeping busy moving things around in our flat and have finally dismantled the old spare room wardrobe, so that it is clear to become a nursery should our longed for BFP finally arrive.

I haven't really got anything else to update you with at the moment, as any long term TTCer will confirm, it is truly a waiting game.

Keep your fingers crossed for me.

Sending loads of baby dust to my TTC friends xxxx

Thursday, 20 September 2012

POAS Addicts

POAS = Pee On A Stick

This is a term used frequently on the various fertility forums. As many long term TTCers will confirm, you spend most of each cycle peeing on sticks. Whether they be OPK (ovulation predictor kit) or HPT (home pregnancy test). It's an addiction!

I dread to think how much money I have spent during the last two years on this strange hobby! :-D

I am currently on CD 18 and for the last week have been waiting for a positive on my opk tests to indicate if I am going to ovulate.

While using Clomid ovulation typically occurs 5-9 days after your last pill. As I took the pills cycle days 4-8 that should put ovulation around cycle days 14-19. Although it can vary from this, particularly as it is my first round.

I had a light/med line on my tests over the weekend but it never reached the required darker line to be a positive. I then had a few days of no line at all, but this morning I had a good medium line so I am going to test again tonight to see if I get a positive :-)

Please keep your fingers crossed xx

Monday, 10 September 2012

Last day of Clomid Round 1

Tonight I will take my last Clomid tablet for this cycle...... Then the fun can begin! :-D yay!

I am not sure how I am feeling, the tablets were not as bad as I expected (although they taste really gross).

The main side effect I have suffered with is the hot sweats during the night. This has made sleeping quite difficult as I having been waking up throughout each night. Hopefully in a day or two this will pass once I have finished the last tablet.

I have felt really hormonal, it's a strange feeling though. At first I felt a bit PMT but usually I get grumpy and miserable (plus eat the contents of the fridge). But this has been different, I have actually been my usual happy self and not at all grumpy, but I have been extremely emotional like I want to cry for no reason.

Yesterday I watched the episode of The Royle Family where nana dies and I was sobbing my heart out. My hubby thought something bad had happened when he got home as I was all puffy eyed! He asked me why I watched something sad if I felt emotional, but I just said I wanted to have a good old cry!

I felt much better afterwards.... Must be the hormones! Lol

I now need to wait 5 days until I can start opk testing to see if I am going to ovulate.... Fingers crossed!


Friday, 7 September 2012

Is It Hot In Here......

Last night I took my first ever Clomid tablet and so far so good!

I did wake up a couple of times in the night really hot and sweating and a few times this morning I have been really hot and bothered.

Safe to say I have the common side effect of hot flushes! :-D

I also woke up with a headache. I was surprised how quickly I had side effects, hopefully this means it is doing something.

On to tablet 2 tonight..... xx

Thursday, 6 September 2012

A Little Box That Could Change My Life!

Today, after much stress and chasing the hospital, I finally got my Clomid! Yay!

I wanted to have a little cry when the pharmacist finally handed over that little paper bag.

I just know this will be a turning point for us and feeling really positive for the next few months.

It's amazing to think that tiny little box containing 30 miracle making pills could be the difference between me being a mummy or not.

I am nervous of the side effects I may get, but at this point I would honestly go through a whole year of hot flushes, cramps, nausea, headaches, dizziness, blurry vision etc if it makes my dream come true.

Actually, thinking about it, if I do get pregnant I will probably go through nine months of all those symptoms and more anyway! :-D

The doctor has prescribed me 50mg a day to be taken on cycle days 2-6. I am currently on day 4 but have been told I can start it today (it works as long as you start it before day 6).

So first tablet tonight.... eek!

I will report back tomorrow if I have any side effects!

Wish me luck! Xxx

Sunday, 2 September 2012

That Monday Feeling.....

I really don't want to face work today :0(

I started my new cycle this morning and have been cramping really badly since yesterday. Apparently it is common to have a really bad AF after a HSG so that is something to look forward to... Not!

On the plus side I will be able to start clomid round 1 this week.... That is if the prescription ever arrives from the hospital!

Feeling grumpy this morning but trying to think positively. I know I am lucky to have the clomid after a long two years of trying but a little part of me is still gutted we couldn't do it without intervention.

Need a big hug from hubby xx