Tuesday, 24 April 2012

A Little Update...

I have been very naughty and not updated my blog since 6 April! F for effort = must try harder!

This month has been very manic and stressful so far. Last weekend I was fundraising all week for Cancer Research and this week I am co-managing our office move!

I haven't really got anything to say on the fertility front other than I am on CD18 and waiting for our appointment with the consultant on 8 May.

On the fit and 30 challenge, I have now lost 16.5lb and have 11.5lb to go! Not looking massively likely with only 7 weigh ins left but we shall see! I would be very happy to get into my size 12 trousers by my birthday, I can get in my size 12 tops and dresses but my bottom half has alway been more challenging to lose.

A little dull but I promise to be a better blogger once this hell week is over lol xxxx

Friday, 6 April 2012

Oh Crap.... Well That Is That Then....

I had a great day looking after my niece and was in a great mood, only to get home and find I have started spotting.

It is now impossible for us to get pregnant before our consultant appointment and I am gutted.

I know at least I can focus on getting to see the consultant, I am grateful for that much, honestly I am.

But this whole situation just plain sucks!

There are so many pregnancies being announced at the moment and I just can't get over why it isn't happening for us but it happens for others without any apparent effort.

I know there are much worse things that could happen, and people much worse off with illnesses etc. I do count my blessings every day, I just want one of those blessings to be a child.

I am off to watch old Greys Anatomy in bed so I can have a good sob :'o(

Hope everyone is having a great weekend xxx

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

11 Weeks To Go.....

...... until fit and 30!

I lost another 1lb tonight which is amazing considering I went out on Friday and had a hungover BK on Saturday!

15lb down 13lb to go!

I thought I would share some progress photos. The before one was taken in December, two weeks after starting WW the current photo is from Friday!

:-) xxx

CD 28 - 9 DPO

I am currently on day 28 of my cycle, and based on my theory that I ovulated last Sunday I believe I am 9 DPO.

I have mega sore/full boobs this morning, (not helped by the fact I currently have a sample stuffed down my top on my way to the hospital), I was a little crampy this morning but absolutely not reading anything into symptoms this month!

I really hope AF does not arrive this weekend and I am going to try and not test until it is due to save unnecessary disappointment.

In other news, I had a brill night out on Friday with some friends I have not seen for years.

I had a few blips on my fit before 30 challenge but the scales weren't looking too shocking this morning - hopefully still the case by weigh in tonight! Lol
